Booking FAQ

Due to a high volume of emails, it may take some time for you to receive a response. Please be patient. If you haven’t received a response and it has been more than a few weeks, please resend your email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Please include the following information when inquiring via email:

  • Any reference material you may have.
  • Size of the tattoo (specific measurements are helpful, e.g. “palm-sized” or “2 inches by 2 inches”, etc.)
  • Desired placement.
  • General availability (times & days)

Ash works on a project-by-project basis and everything is custom drawn. We will not tattoo or work on other artists’ work. Ash strictly works in black ink only.

After receiving the above information, we will email you with the possible appointment times (or a consultation time, if necessary.) Once a time is confirmed for an appointment, an $80 deposit is required to hold your spot. The deposit can be paid via cash or e-transfer. Deposits go towards the final price of the tattoo on the day the tattoo is completed.

No drawings or sketches will be shown until the day of the tattoo appointment. Extra time is scheduled to accommodate any changes that need to be made.

On the day of your appointment, feel free to bring snacks, water, and – not more than one – a friend. Only one friend can be at the station at a time. It is a small space.


Consultations are only necessary for some larger pieces. We will let you know if a consultation is required.


We have a $100 minimum and our hourly rate is $170/hour. Anything under 2 hours is priced by the piece. Design complexity, location and size are all factors in determining price.


There is a 48 hour cancellation/rescheduling policy. Should you need to cancel or reschedule, you must contact your artist at least 48 hours before your appointment time or you will forfeit your deposit.


We are a CASH ONLY shop. Please bring cash with you to your appointment.

Aftercare FAQ
  • Leave your bandage on at least 4 and a maximum of 12 hours after completion of your tattoo. If the dressings become compromised and the tattoo is exposed before this time please proceed to the next step as stated below.
  • Wash the entire tattoo and surrounding area with very warm water, mild/unscented soap or cleanser and a clean hand.
  • Repeat until the tattoo has been rinsed of all residue.
  • Pat dry with a clean paper towel.

Your new tattoo will be sore and possibly irritated for the first couple of days. It is important to keep it clean (wash twice a day) and dry (no long showers, baths or swimming) during this initial healing phase. Keep it protected from the sun, moisture, tight clothing and any potentially unsanitary conditions.

It will begin to scab, itch and peel after about 4 or 5 days. This is normal. Please do not pick or scratch at your tattoo. If your tattoo is very dry and itchy at this point you may apply a small amount non-scented, water based moisturizer once or twice a day. LESS IS MORE. This is NOT necessary for the proper healing but it might help ease any itchiness or flakey skin.

Please do not hesitate to call or email with any questions in regards to your new tattoo

Click here to download a PDF of the aftercare steps.

Thank you!